

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Analyzing my process

A friend of mine suggested I show my process more often, so I made these. I'll probably do some more. Looking back at these I realized that I like some ideas that became mere steps in the painting more than the final itself.

I don't really have a single process I follow when I sketch or paint. The reason for this is that a lot of my work comes from random sketching. I'll spend a lot of time looking for shapes in scribbles or fiddling with color comps until I decide to render something I like.

I'm going to try and approach my work with more purpose and planning. Someone told me that I'm a concept artist stuck in illustration mode. I don't really know if that's true or that I'm just a messy artist. Time for some discipline!


  1. You're extremely talented dude, My cousin Jose put me on to your work.

  2. Thanks a lot, man! Glad you enjoy it.
